I AM Mantra

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Will you be part of the Solution?

Thank you to everyone who has been taking action, sharing and sending love to assist peaceful and positive change and an end to systemic racism in the United States (may this change ripple out around the world).

In my desire to assist and be part of the solutions so needed right now, I'm sharing links and resources here with the hope that as they are helping me educate myself and then take action, they will also assist you.



Sign, donate, make calls, join, take action > grassrootslaw.org


Continue to educate yourself.

~ The King Center and Dr. Bernice King (MLK's daughter) held a a week-long online protest with guest speakers > watch, listen, and learn.

~ Explaining racism to children ~ a discussion. Sesame Street along with Van Jones and Eric Hall from CNN and Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms unite to host a town hall for kids and families on how to stand up to racism and how to help make a change. Watch here. 

~ Goop Magazine put a list of resources together to assist in taking conscious action: learn more

~ I also really appreciated this recent blog post (with links and action steps) from a Musician I have collaborated with on Sound Meditations. Read here.

SHARE with your family and friends, help inform and educate yourself, and those you know and invite them to join you in being part of the solution.

SEND LOVE to all in great need at this time. VISION THE REALITY of justice, peace, and equality for our Black and Brown Brothers and Sisters, for all minorities and for all people.

Take action. Send love. Repeat.

❤️Thank you for being part of SOLUTION ❤️

We are ALL needed now to unite together to create change and a culture of justice, peace, and equality for all.

These events are part of a much bigger race issue in this country that needs to be healed.

While these situations aren't easy to read about, in my experience the first step to healing something is becoming aware of it, seeing it, feeling it, allowing it, then choosing a new way of being, and then taking inspired action to create this new reality.

Healing on both a personal and collective level takes great courage, however, we are not alone in this process, there are many of us waking up to love, rising in peace and it’s our time to unite together to create solutions to the situations we are facing as a global community.

 Martin Luther King Jr said...

“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

and he reminds us...

“Nonviolence is not sterile passivity, but a powerful moral force which makes for social transformation.

Every day we each have an opportunity to be part of the solution.