I am honored to be part of this event 💕

“When a complex system is far from equilibrium, small islands of coherence in a sea of chaos have the capacity to shift the entire system to a higher order.” ~ Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Laureate

I am deeply grateful to have been invited to be a featured guest speaker on Saturday Night Alive, an online global event that occurs every Saturday evening.

“Saturday Night Alive for the Global Peace Tribe has been the mecca of conscious, heart-centered, transformational community to gather online from across the globe for soul-inspiring talks, music and connection during this unprecedented time.”

This is my first official public event as the Author of I AM Mantra.

I AM Mantra began on Twitter in 2009, based on a personal practice that I began 10 years earlier. I AM Mantra has now grown to have a global community with over 200,000 followers with 13.5 Million monthly views across email and social media. You are one of them ~ Thank you! 🌷

For the majority of these 12 years, I’ve consciously chosen to keep myself behind the scenes with the intention to help the daily mantras reach as many people as possible who can benefit from them. And if I’m being authentic and self-reflective, also due to my own personal insecurities about being “enough”.

While I’ve been practicing mantra and meditation, breathwork, and exploring conscious living practices for the last 31 years I still consider myself very much a student, always learning, growing, expanding, and evolving.

However, I’m starting to receive requests to speak about I AM Mantra, and share more about the principles and practices behind the daily mantras. I’ve received requests from our I AM Mantra Community for audio meditations and a deeper level of offerings in addition to the daily mantra. 💫

I’ve been reflecting on all of this and what I’ve come to is that I’ve been on a dedicated path of personal growth and empowerment for many years and while I am very much on my own personal journey of healing and transformation, expansion and awakening, there are things I use to assist me to navigate daily life that I realize could be of benefit to you, my Community, in your daily life.

If there are things I’m learning and using that can assist you then why wouldn’t I step out from behind the curtain and share these. You can always take what resonates with you and let go of the rest.💖

We are all students in this great “earth school” as my dear friends and mentors Gary Zukav (author of Seat of the Soul) and Linda Francis (Gary’s teaching partner) always remind me.

We are all in this great adventure of awakening together and we are all learning, growing, and evolving together.

That all said, I invite you to join me for my first official event, details are below.

And, if you can’t join us live, as I know many in our global community are in different time zones, there will be a replay!

I will be sharing on “Living in coherence”, what this means to me and why I feel this is relevant in the current times we are living in. My sharing will include 4 tools that I use to assist me daily to find, maintain and return to a state of coherence. I’ll weave in my work with I AM Mantra and the power of “I AM” to help create coherent thoughts and a coherent mind as one of the 4 tools.


Join us on Saturday, May 15th for "Becoming an Island of Coherence & Pulsing the Planet with Love!"

Do you believe that small clusters of humanity living in coherence can help shift the tide from a current of fear to one of love?

What we believe guides our attention and choices, our commitments and actions, and the quality of our presence and interactions. What we feed the field matters!

Each of our guests will share their thoughts on what they believe is possible and offer insights and experiences that empower us to actively participate in making this shift together now.

Luminaries: Bruce Lipton • Kristin Hoffmann • Chris Deckker • Claudia Welss • Nikita Gearing (this is me 😍) • Gary Malkin • Jennifer Hill • Michael Lindfield • Danette Wolpert

Musicians: Manose • Cornflower

Hosted by: Debra Giusti, Scott Catamas & Teresa Collins

Register here: www.GlobalPeaceTribe.com for Saturday Night Alive (replay available w/ registration).

Note: If you’re new to SNA use Promo code: PEACETRIBE (this will allow you to join for FREE).

I invite you to join us as we learn how to become islands of coherence and assist the great awakening humanity is undergoing at this time.

Nikita Gearing