Meditation, Breath,
Mantra, Wisdom,
Monthly Online Gatherings to Inspire, Uplift and Elevate.
Coming together in community to expand our awareness, raise our vibration, and embody the love we are.
Hosted and facilitated by Nikita Gearing, author of I AM Mantra.
Our next gathering is
on Sunday, April 6th
12pm PDT, 3pm EDT, 8pm GMT
(April 7th, 6 am AEDT)
These gatherings include a meditation and mantra experience, a simple breath practice and conscious living insights based on topics to assist in navigating life with greater awareness and empowerment. Each month has a chosen theme and focus with a positive high vibrational emotion.
This experience is designed to be an inspiring, replenishing, as well as provide simple wisdom and practices you can use on a daily basis to support healing, empowerment and transformation.
This space is a monthly connection moment designed to assist us in staying heart-centered, cultivating positive thoughts and emotions, and living from higher states of love, peace, joy, and abundance.
This Month’s Event details…
Date: Sunday, April 6th
Start Time: 12 pm PDT / 3 pm EDT / 8 pm GMT / (6am March 3rd AEDT)
(If you would like to check the time in your location, you can use the Time Zone Converter here)
Length: This experience runs around 90 mins. The main session will run approximately 60 minutes and then for those who would like to stay there will be time for community sharing and Q&A.
Location: Online via Zoom
Replay: A replay will be available for all who sign up. This replay will be available within 48 hours after the event. This replay will be available for review for four weeks after the event.
Event Outline and Focus:
The focus for this event is “Harnessing our Personal Power to support Collective Healing and Change”.
This event will include a breath practice for regulating our nervous system and a meditation and mantra experience. After the meditation experience, there will be space for Community sharing for those who would like to stay and participate.
This is a Love Offering ~ Donations Appreciated: This event is free to join. If you would like to donate to support these events you are welcome to, donate here. You are not required to make a payment to join this experience.
I am deeply inspired to be offering these experiences.
I hope you will join us.
Big Love, Nikita 💕
(Author of I AM Mantra)
A little about me…
I was born in Brisbane, Australia. Growing up as an “Aussie” girl, I developed a great love for nature. I spent many hours swimming, walking on the beach, camping in pristine nature areas with my family, and spending a lot of time outside.
At a young age, while I was riding the bus home from school, I looked out the window and heard the words “heaven on earth”.
It felt like a deep calling in my soul for something greater to be experienced on this precious living planet. I didn’t understand this at the time, all I knew was that I felt a deep longing within me to experience a world that was more loving, peaceful, happy, and free.
I first learned about meditation, reincarnation, and mantra when I was around 8 through a TV show based on a Chinese legend and story of the “Great Monkey King”. I received my first training in meditation and emotional awareness techniques through the Brisbane Relaxation Center when I was 11.
When I was 14, I traveled to China with my Brother to visit our Mother who was studying Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. These weeks in China, including traveling to Inner Mongolia, going to temples, seeing massive Buddha statues, and experiencing a very different reality, expanded my understanding of what “normal” life looked like.
At 18, I was introduced to the “I AM” mantra through Shirley Maclaine’s book, “Out on a Limb”.
At 19, I sold most of my belongings and left Australia to travel the world in search of “God”, the meaning of Divinity, and to explore the Human Potential.
In 2004, I moved to the U.S. from Australia to manage a non-profit peacemaking organization and actively started organizing and facilitating both in-person and online events and experiences. This is also when I started coaching, both individuals and groups. When I launched I AM Mantra in 2009, I had envisioned holding gatherings for the I AM Mantra community. I am very inspired to begin these monthly gatherings, it’s been a dream of mine for many years. I hope you will join us.