Living Wisdom Coaching is designed to assist you in living a more empowered, conscious, thriving, and awakened life!

This is an opportunity to have one-to-one mentorship with Nikita Gearing, the author of I AM Mantra.

Listen to the audio below… Nikita shares about the intention, purpose, and power of Living Wisdom Coaching.

Are you desiring greater joy and freedom in your life?

Are you feeling stuck, hopeless, powerless, or overwhelmed?

Do you feel alone and crave support to help you navigate life with greater ease?

Are you wondering how to live more peacefully and consciously with greater love and freedom?

Do you know you have a deeper Soul calling but can’t seem to find what that is or how to live this?

Are you in a process of transformation and need support?

Do you need to make changes in your life but aren’t sure how to take the steps to make this change?

You don’t have to navigate this path of transformation by yourself.

You are not alone.
I am here to support you.


In these times of great transformation and uncertainty, we can benefit from having a support system. Someone in our lives that assists us to navigate, feel, heal, expand and liberate ourselves and create a life that is deeply in alignment with our heart, our Soul, and our Higher Self. Now more than ever, we are each being called to release fear and live from love and learn how to listen and follow our inner guidance.

Living Wisdom Coaching provides you with a loving, non-judgmental, compassionate, safe, confidential space to share, self-reflect, and take steps into your Unlimited Potential.

Living Wisdom Coaching is designed to offer you a “Spiritual Partner” to support, guide, reflect, listen, and inspire you into a more loving and unlimited life.

“A spiritual partnership is a partnership between two equals for the purpose of spiritual growth.” ~ Gary Zukav


I have known Nikita for almost twenty years and have treasured her loving personality and spiritual awareness. During the years of The Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking she was one of our most dedicated and active coaches. Those she assisted in moving through the seminary program were constant in their evaluations/praise of her gentle guidance and wise spiritual support. I can sincerely recommend Nikita as a “Living Wisdom Coach” ~ Rev. Sharon Williams, MA, MS

Within each of us lives a wellspring of Divine Brilliance.


We are each magnificent, unique and precious. We are an unlimited Soul having a Human Experience for the purpose of our greater expansion.

We are filled with so much goodness and potential for greatness.

Through our life experiences, it can be easy to take on limiting beliefs, and develop fears and coping mechanisms that limit us from experiencing the joy and goodness that lives within us and from living in our full and highest potential.

It can be easy to feel stuck, alone and hopeless and that the life we dream of is only that, a dream, and believe that this could never be a reality. However, this dream is within us for a reason.

What brings us joy is part of our Soul’s purpose.

We each have a sacred life available to us, one of joy, health, love, liberation, abundance and thriving.

We are the ones that limit ourselves and because of this, we are also the ones that can free ourselves and step outside of the box into a more expanded and joyous life that is in alignment with our Soul.

Living Wisdom Coaching is designed to support you to make the changes you are longing for and live a more loving, soul-connected, joyous life.

Living Wisdom Coaching is designed to assist you to develop a deeper, more heart-centered loving relationship with yourself, within your relationships, and with the world around you.

Living Wisdom Coaching is designed to help you navigate this powerful time of transition, change, evolution, and awakening that many of us are moving through.


Nikita Gearing was always a stable and loving presence for me during my two-year program where she served as my guide and coach. Her peaceful, patient and mature manner was very comforting at a time when many changes were taking place in me. I can highly recommend Nikita as a spiritual mentor, guide and coach. ~ Meredith Ann Murray

Living Wisdom Coaching supports you to:

  • Find and retain your center amidst a fast-paced and changing world

  • Learn to listen and follow your intuition and your inner guidance

  • Live more consciously with greater love, joy, and divine connection

  • Learn how to nourish and support yourself and how this positively affects your experience of life and your personal relationships

  • Find your Truth, your inner voice, follow this and create a life that you love

  • Learn how to listen and follow the path of your joy, your bliss, and realize this is connected to your greater Soul Purpose

  • Develop self-care practices that assist you to stay connected, balanced, and thriving

  • Developing more effective, meaningful, and intimate relationships

  • Identify and follow the path of your Hearts Bliss; your greater Life Purpose

I have so much love and appreciation in my heart for Nikita. If it wasn’t for Nikita, my Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking experience would not have been what it was. I would not have been a hospital chaplain these past 9 years, accompanying the sick, the dying, the mentally ill. Nikita’s heart, unconditional love and wisdom is incredibly precious.
~ Lisa Teubel | Peace Minister | Hospital Chaplain

Coaching Designed for YOU

Each session is specifically customized for you to support your unique intentions, needs, and goals. The sessions are designed to help you tap into the inner wisdom within you and uncover the answers, solutions, and creativity that lives within you, awaiting your discovery.

Common topics and areas that are often addressed:

  • Developing and maintaining a deeper connection with the Divine

  • Opening to the Peace within and learning how to live from this “Peace” in your life

  • Learning how to handle and find the opportunities hidden within the “challenges”

  • Dealing with fear, stress, and anxiety

  • Learning how to respond peacefully and from an empowered space in conflict situations

  • Addressing grief and how to support the process of healing

  • Learning how to live from love and challenge fear so you can live a more healthy, fulfilling, and happy life

Living Wisdom Coaching includes a range of different techniques in addition to intuitive listening and heart-centered communication. What is used during each session depends on what can be most assistive to the client and their healing process.

Sessions can include:

  • Breathwork and Mindfulness practices

  • Meditation and Visualization

  • Mantra and positive affirmations

  • Heart-coherence practices based on the Heart-Math technique

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

  • Nervous system regulation techniques, including working with the vagus nerve to assist with greater balance and harmony in the body and mind

  • Journaling practices

  • Emotional Awareness Practices

  • Relationships and Communication Tools

  • Art and creative techniques

  • Intuitive listening and heart-centered communication are the foundation of the sessions


I first had the precious experience of connecting with Nikita Gearing when I felt the soul urge to become a “Peace Minister“ via the Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking. James Twyman had the Angels on his side when Nikita was given the role of Spiritual Coach, assisting the participants during their journey towards their inner mission.

Nikita’s wisdom for me during that transformational time in my life was nothing short of perfect.

Her innate ability to support me as an individual - to spiritually process and progress without interference but with genuine heartfelt inner knowledge was priceless.

Nikita has the ability to hold protective space for the other and is also a highly intuitive empath and healer who without hesitation and effort allows your heart and soul to feel very much “ at home”.

I am extremely excited that she is launching her new coaching platform, offering her wisdom and divine talents yet again to help assist, guide, inspire and work deeply one on one in the most loving way creating profound insights and expansion.

Nikita is an absolute godsend and anyone who is called to connect with her transparent vibrancy will feel utterly blessed.

I strongly encourage anyone who is consciously aware to invite Nikita’s bright light into your life.
~ Callee - Louise Morgan, Peace Minister | Life Coach | Reiki Master

I have had the extreme pleasure of working with Nikita Gearing as my mentor through the Beloved Community Peace Ministry program. It was an in-depth two-year program that involved reading many books, writing our personal insights and visiting with our mentor. Nikita was a pure blessing to me at the time, I was going through personal issues that literally changed my life in so many ways, from moving from my home, to loss of my 30-year career, a new, but short lived, relationship and going through the process of the ministerial program all at the same time, however, with Nikita in my camp it was actually one of the best years of my life.

Nikita exemplified the purest sense of the words "spiritual mentor”, she was like a breath of fresh air on a smoggy day, when I was in my deepest despair a simple phone call to Nikita would bring the light back into my day. Her wisdom and guidance were that of a sage with many lifetimes of experience. Nikita by her pure presence could reach into the depths of my soul and massage it with love and compassion. My heartfelt gratitude and deep love for Nikita will never be described in simple words. Although we have many miles between us in the physical world I have felt her presence in my life as if she were right here beside me, in my heart she became part of me and there she will remain for all time.
~ Wes Wylie | Peace Minister

About your Coach ~ Nikita Gearing

Living Wisdom Coaching provides you with a guide, mentor, and mirror, for you to see yourself through the eyes of love, kindness and compassion and recognize your True Unlimited Nature. Living Wisdom Coaching is designed to support you to heal and transform limitations within yourself and to learn how to live from a more joyous, abundant, empowered and self-aware state of being.

Nikita has been involved in personal growth for over 35 years since she was a teenager. She spent her early twenties immersed and studying the Spiritual path to Self Realization, one of the teachings being Self Reflection and personal Divine Insight. From a young age, Nikita has dedicated her life to understanding the Human Potential.

Born in Brisbane, Australia, and now living in Southern Oregon, Nikita was first introduced to the “I AM” mantra in 1989 through Shirley Maclaine’s book, “Out on a Limb”. Five years prior, at age thirteen, Nikita received her first training in meditation and emotional awareness techniques.

In 1990, now 19, Nikita sold her belongings and left Australia to travel the world in search of “God”, the meaning of Divinity, and her deep longing for a life greater than what she had experienced.

Her travels lead her to a Meditation Center, founded in the lineage of Swami Muktananda where she lived and studied for three and a half years.

It was here that she was introduced to a formal practice of meditation, pranayama (breathwork), yoga, chanting, and consciousness studies, and was given her first mantra by a 30+ year Transcendental Meditation Teacher.

It was during her studies at this Center that she was introduced to the “I AM” mantra in its Sanskrit version of “Hamsa”; “I AM That” and So Ham; “I AM”.

Over the next three and a half years Nikita immersed herself in Meditation and Divinity studies including the study of different meditation practices, the Chakras and energy systems of the body, Kundalini, and Chi practices, and the practice of Seva (meaning ‘selfless service’) in devotion to the Divine or a Higher Purpose/Power.

She shaved her head twice in pursuit of living a Sannyasin lifestyle and with the desire to release all personal identities and support her True Nature to be realized and embodied.

Over these years, Nikita lived a monk-style existence, dedicating each day to deepening her understanding of, and connection to, the Divinity that lives within each of us.

“God lives within each of us just waiting to be remembered and embodied. As we remember our true nature we not only change ourselves we also assist in transforming the world.” ~ Nikita Gearing

In 1994, now aged 23, Nikita left the Meditation Center to return to Australia and integrate all she had learned back into “normal life”.

In 1999, the first seeds of what is now I AM Mantra were born. As a result of some health issues brought on by stress and exhaustion, Nikita took a 6-month sabbatical to reflect, replenish, and reset her life.

She started writing positive affirmations and statements on her bathroom mirror in lipstick and eyeliner and put post-it notes with positive I AM statements around her bedroom, on the fridge, and on the dashboard of her car. Her intention was to surround herself with reminders that would assist her to transform her inner reality and thus transform her external reality and her experience of life.

This time of reflection led to her studying Visual and Fine Arts for 3 years. It was here that she rediscovered a childhood joy of art, color, creativity, and design and art as a form of healing and awakening.

In 2003 Nikita met James Twyman, internationally renowned "Peace Troubadour" known for drawing millions of people together in prayer to positively influence crises throughout the world.

Soon after, Nikita traveled to the States to work with James and assist him with his non-profit peace-focused organization. Here she managed various aspects of his business, including the organization and management of events, retreats, and online programs, and mentorship around the concepts of “Spiritual Peacemaking”.

Nikita became a leading Spiritual Coach and Spiritual Mentor within the program. During this time Nikita coached students from all around the world through the two-year program. She was involved in ten retreats alongside James, as Retreat Organizer, Spiritual Coach, and Spiritual Mentor.

During these years Nikita hosted events with a focus on the raising of consciousness, she has worked alongside Luminaries including Arun Ghadi (grandson of Mahatma Gandhi), Barbara Marx Hubbard, Agnes Baker Pilgrim, Oren Lyons, and Ina May Gaskin. She was also involved in many peace projects, including co-created a project called the “One Song Project” that focused on using song and chant to assist with healing and awakening, both personally and globally.

In 2009, I AM Mantra was born. Based on her own personal practice that began 10 years earlier, Nikita set up I AM Mantra on Twitter and began posting daily mantras.

I AM Mantra has now grown to have over 250,000+ followers across 80+ countries. With over 12 Million views monthly, I AM Mantra is shared daily via Email, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Nikita has continued to study and immerse herself in sacred wisdom studies including the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, Gary Zukav, Linda Francis, the Heart-Math Institute and most recently the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza. She is also an internal part of the “Islands of Coherence”, a network of individuals focused on understanding what it means to live from a greater loving and coherent state.

Her study and experience include Breathwork and Mindfulness practices, Meditation and Visualization, Mantra and positive affirmations, Heart-coherence practices based on the Heart-Math technique, Compassionate Listening, and Communication, Emotional Awareness Practices, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Nervous system regulation techniques, including working with the vagus nerve to assist with greater balance and harmony in the body and mind, Anxiety and Stress Management, Journaling practices, Relationships, and Communication Tools and Art and creative techniques to assist with healing.

A personal message from Nikita…


After some big life events, and seeing so many people moving through such great personal transformations, it became clear that it was time to again be assisting people on a one-to-one basis.

We are in an unprecedented time of personal and collective change.

I truly believe we can each greatly benefit from having a conscious support system in our lives. Not just friendships but a deeper spiritual coach/mentor, (a Spiritual Partner) to support, reflect and assist us in breaking free of struggle and limitation and moving into our greater loving, empowered, joyous and unlimited self.

I believe we are Unlimited Beings and so many of us have settled for a life of struggle and feel stuck and alone.

I believe that as we each make changes within ourselves into greater love, greater joy, greater well-being, and greater thriving we directly affect the people and world around us.

I believe that change in the world beings with and within each of us

I believe we are stronger when we allow in support.

We don’t need to journey this path alone. Yes, we have to take each step ourselves however we can have chosen people around us that inspire, assist, remind, reflect and help guide us.

I genuinely love assisting people to experience greater love, feel more alive, and live with greater inspiration, solution-mindedness, and freedom.

And… I know what it is like to feel so alone and stuck and how critical it was for me to have a support system of people who assisted me during times of personal growth and transformation.

I am not here to save you or fix you.

I believe that you have all the power and potential within you to heal and liberate yourself. I am here to assist you to uncover this magic, your True Nature, and learn to live from this space on a daily basis.

I am not a licensed counselor, physiologist, or therapist.

I am not a licensed doctor, healer, or licensed health practitioner.

I am someone who has spent many, many years in deep personal practice, the study of personal transformation and self-liberation, and now desire to assist others on their path of empowerment, expansion, and awakening.

I am a student of life and am always learning and growing myself.

I am intuitive and very aware and sensitive to energy.

I am a seer, able to feel and see things that could be assistive to you and your growth.

I listen deeply and communicate with love and compassion.

If you would like my assistance during this time in your life, please click below and book a free discovery session.


Everyone has a role to play in the Great Awakening that is underway.

Everyone’s Light is needed.

Living Wisdom Coaching is designed
to help fuel and flame this Light.