Listen To
Today’s Mantra 

As a little gift to start off this New Year, I wanted to record today’s mantra as an audio.

You can listen to this and
simply receive the mantra,
repeat it silently in your mind,
or speak it out loud with me.

I recorded two options, the first is a 1 min audio with the mantra repeated once. The second is a 4 min audio with the mantra repeated 3 times and includes some simple conscious breathing. Choose the one that resonates with you the most. I hope you receive benefit from these offerings. (And once you’ve listened scroll down to read a little new year message from me).

Today’s Mantra

I AM welcoming this new year
with a grateful heart,
an open mind and
an inspired spirit.
Anything is possible.

I am inspired to create more audio recordings for our I AM Mantra community and am working behind-the-scenes to develop some wonderful new offerings. If you enjoyed these audios and would like to receive more audio offerings, I invite you to donate to support this expansion process. I am a one-woman team and manage everything myself. Your support is greatly appreciated and makes a difference.

Thank you in advance for your support of I AM Mantra.

New Year, New Possibilities

New Year 2023

A little message from my heart to yours.

I often contemplate at this time of year the significance of the New Year, and January 1st, and how to honor this in a good way. There is a collective focus that we put onto this date and often a pressure we put on ourselves to start the new year off in a “good way”, “a new year and new me”, and with resolutions and goals of how we want to live in the new year.

Moving from one year to the next can absolutely be a powerful doorway to reflect upon the past year, and start fresh with a clean canvas for the new year, one that is filled with endless possibilities and potential. This can be a potent time to dream bigger for what we desire for ourselves and our lives. AND… what if we consider that every moment is an opportunity to start fresh, to choose love, to focus on what we are desiring, to create greater health, prosperity, more loving relationships, or whatever it is our heart and soul are desiring.

Each moment can be a new moment.

Every morning when we wake and open our eyes we can choose to start fresh.

Every day we can choose love instead of fear. Peace instead of reaction.

Every day we can choose to cultivate gratitude and joy.

Every day we can do simple things that inspire us and bring us closer to our dreams and what lights up our heart.

I wanted to offer this thought, that we don’t have to get it “right” on New Year's Day, or in January.

What if we consider that we are always evolving, always changing, and always growing? That there is no right way, no correct way to move through and into this new year.

I find it helpful to remember that we are a beautiful divine work in progress, each of us, and Humanity as a whole.

May this new year of 2023 bring each of us closer to…

The Truth of who we are.

The Love that we are.

The Joy that we are.

The health and well-being that is our natural state of being.

The abundance and prosperity that is our natural state of being.

And bring us into greater awareness and connection with the Earth and the natural world that we are intimately part of.

May we peacefully and easily release what no longer serves our Highest good and continue to expand into our Unlimited Potential.

Sending you so much love as we move into 2023.

Happy New Year!

Something to contemplate... It’s interesting to note that January 1st is not based on any natural cycle, like the solstice, (which would seem to be a more natural start for the new year), or the moon cycle like Chinese New Year. It is based on a calendar date designed to help us organize our daily activities and our schedules. I wonder what would happen if we, as a collective, started to organize more around the natural cycles, and if this would assist with creating greater harmony and balance.