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Today’s Mantra 

As a little gift on this day that some of us like to refer to as “Love-Day”, I have recorded today’s mantra as an audio. While I believe every day is an opportunity to give and receive love, I felt this would be a fun way to acknowledge valentines day while also being a reminder of the love that exists within each of us.

I invite you to listen to today’s mantra and simply relax and receive the mantra, repeat it silently in your mind, or speak it out loud with me. I hope you receive benefit from this offering.

Today’s Mantra

I AM love.
You are love.
We are love.
All beings are
awakening to love.

I am inspired to create more audio recordings for our I AM Mantra community and am working behind-the-scenes to develop some wonderful new offerings. If you enjoyed these audios and would like to receive more audio offerings, I invite you to donate to support this expansion process. I am a one-woman team and manage everything myself. Your support is greatly appreciated and makes a difference.

Thank you for your support of I AM Mantra.