I AM Mantra is created by Nikita Gearing. It is designed to offer you daily mantras & wisdom for you to reflect upon, to contemplate, to meditate upon and also to take with you into your day to assist you in living a more Conscious, Peaceful and Empowered Life. The Mantras offered here are intentional words & phrases that offer wisdom for you to contemplate, and a sacred resonance field for you to embrace within yourself.

I AM Mantra is intended to support you & your Awakening. A source of inspiration & insight for Conscious Living.

I AM Mantra began in May of 2009 with daily “I AM” mantras via Twitter. The I AM Mantra audience has grown organically since then to reach over 260,000 people in 80 countries and currently consists of daily mantras that are shared through email and social media.

I AM Mantra’s focus is to deliver self-empowerment content to assist people to shift from a fear-based reality into a loved-based reality.

Humanity is at a critical evolutionary moment. I believe that for our survival and the survival of our living planet, we are required to evolve into a more self-aware, self-responsible, love-based species.

This requires an understanding of our Higher Potential and education on how to access this potential and live from this self-aware state.

I AM Mantra’s content assists people with Universal concepts and scientific principles, focusing on spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

In 2022, I AM Mantra expanding to include Living Wisdom Coaching to assist people on a deeper more personal level.

May I AM Mantra inspire you and offer sacred reflections that catalysis and support your own Awakening and Living a Life that You Love that is in harmony with all of life & our great Living Planet.