
The benefit of Mini-Meditations

Many of us have some form of daily meditation practice.

One of the intentions of meditation is to quiet the stream of mental thoughts and drop deeper into a state of active Presence, where our Unlimited Consciousness, our True Nature, resides.

A meditation practice allows us to create a space of stillness and presence to access this True Nature on a regular basis (which has so many benefits for the mind, body, and spirit), but what happens throughout our day, when we are not sitting in the quiet space assigned for our meditation, how do we access this state of Presence amidst “Life”.

I’ve been meditating for 30+ years and I still find my mind will be overactive at times, especially in more challenging moments or when fear and reaction are triggered.

I find that it’s important to create “mini-meditation” moments throughout my day. (I was first introduced to this idea of “mini-meditations” by Eckhart Tolle when I studied his teachings and sat with him at his in-person events in 2012, 2013, and 2014).

The purpose of mini-meditations is… to assist in creating a space of connection with our Unlimtied True Nature during the day, assisting us in staying more Present, Peaceful, Empowered and solution-minded as we engage life.

A mini-meditation can look like many things... the main focus is to create a few moments to drop into the Present Moment and connect to the stillness within and the alive vibrant energy of consciousness that is flowing through each of us at all times. This is our place of POWER.

For me, a mini-meditation be as simple as…

1. Creating a moment to stop what I am doing, close my eyes, and focus on my breathing. Taking a few conscious breaths, I observe my breath and allow my mind to relax, this is a practice for quieting the mind. As I do this I allow myself to drop into the present moment. I imagine tension and stress dissolving and I allow myself to become as present as I can. (Remembering that the present moment is where we can access our intuition and our creative power.)

2. I then focus on noticing the stillness in my body, even if it’s only a subtle feeling. I then focus on feeling the energy flowing through my body as I breathe, becoming as present as I can while feeling this vibrant energy flowing through my body.

3. Once I’ve found my center again and feel this state of “Presence”, and feel the energy flowing in my body, I open my eyes and move into the next steps of my day as consciously as I can.

4. When I am in this state of Presence, I will also often ask for guidance on something I want clarity on, or I will focus the energy to imagine, feel, and vision the reality I want to create. Making sure to also fuel my desires with the energy of gratitude, joy, and the reality that everything is now on the way to me and arriving in “perfect timing”.

Mini-meditations are a powerful tool that I use with my clients in my Living Wisdom Coaching. This simple practice can assist us to stay more conscious, aware, and consciously creating our lives.

Many of us are learning how to be more conscious, aware, loving, peaceful, kind, and empowered humans. We are learning how to consciously and peacefully address the issues facing us as individually and as a collective at this time. I believe meditation and learning the role of mini-meditations has an important role to play in this process.

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Learn the “3 Conscious Breaths” Technique I use as a mini-meditation

Big Love,
Nikita 💕

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