3 Conscious Breaths

Here is a simple breathing technique I like to call “3 Conscious Breaths” that can be used as a mini-meditation in the morning, before you go to sleep or during your day.

This can be especially helpful when you find yourself feeling stressed, anxious, fearful or simply needing to shift your energy, get centered and move back into a more empowered state.

Step 1: Stop what you are doing for a moment, notice what your mind is doing, is it running in circles? Is it repeating scenarios? What thoughts are cycling? Just notice your mind without judgment.

Step 2: Then notice what you are feeling, what emotions are present, is there a particular area where this feeling (emotion) is showing up in your body, again notice this without judgment. As you notice the emotion, see if there is a thought connected to it, for example, thoughts based on fear, concern, or powerlessness. Again just notice the feelings and thoughts without judgment.

You are practicing bringing your awareness to what’s happening right now.

Step 3: Then do 3 conscious, full breaths, as if you are breathing down into your belly. Breathe in through your nose, bringing the breath all the way down into your abdomen area. Hold for a moment then breathe out (through your nose or mouth) slowly, intentionally and relax. Imagine with each breath you are relaxing, letting go, and dropping deeply into the present moment, the space where you are connected to your Unlimited True Nature.

Do this 3 times and then notice how you feel.

Do you feel more relaxed and more centered? Perhaps you still feel the emotion in that part of your body? If you find you are still in a “triggered” or “alert” state, then do the 3 breaths again but this time add a mantra (see below).

Step 4: Adding a mantra. This time as you breathe in, imagine you are breathing in LOVE, the energy of love is flowing into your body on the in-breath. Imagine the energy of love flowing down into your abdomen, flowing into your entire body and also flowing to the area of you body where you are feeling the emotion or tension. See the energy of love filling this area. Hold for a moment and repeat the mantra “I AM Love”, (or “I AM Safe”, “I AM Peaceful”, “I AM Healed” whichever resonates most in that moment). Then breathe out and imagine any tension flowing out of your body, any stress, fear, or reaction, flowing out on your exhale and fully leaving your body. Hold for a moment and repeat the mantra “I AM Love”, (or “I AM Safe”, “I AM Peaceful”, “I AM Healed” whichever resonates most in that moment).

A simpler version:

~ Breathe in Love ~ repeat “I AM Love”.
~ Breathe out Fear ~ repeat “I AM Safe”.

Do this 3 times and then relax and see how you feel.

If you still find yourself triggered or anxious try doing this 10 times, 10 breaths, in and out as outlined above.

When you are done remember to create a moment to relax, let go, notice how you feel. Then offer a moment of gratitude that you are now being guided to the next steps.

Read more about “The benefit of Mini-Meditations” here

Nikita GearingComment